28 October 2013

Digital art: Sweden

When I think about Sweden, I think about snow (lots of snow), but also about sunsets, little villages with white walls and red roof, small boats in the sea, squares with flowers and old tramways. 

This is the reason why, once, I wanted to prepare a present for a friend who I met in Sweden, and I couldn't chose a picture. How would it be to take this one? Oh, no, but this one would be nice as well... and that one? And what about two, ot three, or several pictures combined together...?

21 October 2013

Even in heavenly beaches it might rain (3/3)

There, in that beach in Ilha Grande, sitting down under the rain, the man I just met tells me his story:
‘I am from New York. A long time ago, I believed I had everything, that I was completely happy.

17 October 2013

Even in heavenly beaches it might rain (2/3)

After several hours of trip, I arrive to Vila do Abrão by ferry. I find my mother in the crowd, and she gives me a big hug.
We go to the pousada (guesthouse, inn). We pass in front of a small church, turn to the right, and take a street perpendicular to the sea. There is no pavement, it is a earth path with pousadas in both sides, and palm trees. I feel like in a film, it is hard to believe that this is the place where my mother lives.

13 October 2013

Even in heavenly beaches it might rain (1/3)

 I thought I knew her well. After all, we had lived together for a long time. But one day, all of a sudden, she announced me that she was leaving to a foreign country. To a foreign country! She, who had always lived in the same neighborhood in Barcelona. I was completely in shock.
‘Yeah... maybe you’re right; a change might be good for you. And where would you go?’
‘To Vila do Abrão? Ah ok. And where is this, in Portugal?’
‘An island in Brazil? But, mother... are you sure?’

06 October 2013

10 images around Dublin

I will always be fond of Ireland. It was the first place I visited alone, and Ireland welcomed me warmly. What I remember the best is the green color of grass and the kindness of people. That journey opened me the door to the world, and invited me to keep discovering places and cultures.