09 December 2013

Tarn is dressed in autumn colors

 I didn't write for a long time (I was on holidays and, after that, I had no time...). Finally, I have found the time to look at the pictures from a day I spent in Tarn, at the end of October. Tarn is a region at the north of Toulouse that, in only one day, became one of my favourites in France. I'd like to go back, to see if it is always like this, or it was just the first sight. Or was it because the weather was so good? Or because the region was dressed in autumn colors?


Bruniquel is considered as one of the most beautiful villages in France. It is a small medieval village of about 600 inhabitants, placed in an elevation of 250m over the Aveyron river. It is known for its two castles, the new one and the old one. Personally speaking, the castles were not what I liked the most: it was the small streets, the quiet and historial environment and the colors of autunm. 

one of the castles

building with a lot of history

Gorges of Aveyron

Coming out from Bruniquel, we took a sinuous road that follows the Gorges of the Aveyron.

the Gorges, from the river...

and the Gorges, from the mountain


From that sinous road started another road (even smaller), which went up to the mountain, until Penne, a small village of 500 inhabitants placed on the top of the mountain. Penne has a castle on the top, and you can see the gorges down there in the valley. 

Penne, with the castle on the top

Saint Antonin de Noble Val

At the end of the Gorges of Aveyon we found Saint Antonin de Noble Val, a "slow city" [*]. Slow doesn' t mean lonely or boring, on the contrary: when we arrived we had to turn around for a while before finding a parking spot, because there was a lot of people. It was market day. 

arrving to St Antonin... I'm gonna like this city!

yes, I like taking pictures at the windows...

column inside a church (the colors are from the light entering the church through the windows)

more windows, hihi...

final view from St Antonin, with the mountains behind


[*] "slow City" or "Cittaslow" is an international movement inspired from the "Slow food" organization. It wants to combat the frenetic rithm of life. It includes improving the people's quality of life, resist globalization and preserve the cultural identity and diversity. It started in Italy but it is nowadays expanding to other countries. 

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